La monture aux couleurs des champions de la BlizzCon 2015 en images

Arkentass | 15/12/2015 à 19h26 - 24

La monture aux couleurs des champions de la BlizzCon 2015 ajoutée avec la mise à jour Lunara est désormais visible en images à travers l'article ci-dessous. En ferrez-vous l'acquisition?


A brand-new mount celebrating the achievements of Cloud9 at BlizzCon 2015 is now available in-game! Pick up this esports-themed mount for 5k gold, and show your support for the reigning Heroes of the Storm World Champions in style. This mount is available for a limited time only, so make sure to grab it while you can.

Experience Cloud9’s amazing run at BlizzCon 2015 for yourself by checking out all the Vods here.

We’ll see you in the Nexus!

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