Modifications pour les Coffres de butin et les packs liés aux événements

Arkentass | 24/05/2018 à 10h11 - 5

Au cours de la nuit, Blizzard a partagé plusieurs modifications concernant les Coffres de butin et les packs liés aux événements. Ayant auparavant une chance égale d'être obtenus dans les Coffres Nexomania, les objets de cet événement sont désormais présents plus fréquemment que ceux de l'événement 'Soleil à gogo, tous en maillots'. Si vous avez utilisé des gemmes afin d'en acquérir, vous recevrez prochainement cette même quantité en compensation. Cet ajustement sera également effectif pour tous les événements futurs.

De plus, à l'avenir, les nouvelles apparences présentes dans les larges packs d'événements seront également disponibles dans d'autres plus petits, qui en contiendront toutes les versions. Vous aurez ainsi davantage de flexibilité et de choix dans la complétion de votre Collection.

In the few short days since Nexomania began, competitors throughout the Nexus have eagerly leapt into the ring to choose tag-team partners and claim quest rewards. Amidst the excitement, however, we understand some of you have been disappointed by the frequency of Sun’s Out, Guns Out items in your Nexomania Loot Chests.

Nexomania and Event Loot Chests

As many of you know, themed event Loot Chests are guaranteed to contain at least one event-related item. Since items from last year’s Sun’s Out, Guns Out event are no longer available, we felt Nexomania could be a great opportunity to give players a second chance to pin down items from both events.

With that in mind, we gave Nexomania and Sun’s Out items an equal chance to drop in Nexomania Loot Chests. After reading community discussions, however, it seems we overestimated how often players would like to open Sun’s Out items. We’d like to put Nexomania back into the spotlight:

  • As of now, we’ve greatly increased the likelihood that Nexomania items will drop over Sun’s Out, Guns Out items in Nexomania Loot Chests.
  • If you used gems to buy Nexomania Loot Chests prior to 07:01 p.m. PDT on May 23 (4:01 a.m. CEST / 11:01 a.m. KST May 24), you will receive a number of new Nexomania Loot Chests equal to the amount you originally purchased.
    • These replacement Chests will feature the updated event item drop rate mentioned above and will be awarded within the next few days.
    • Please note: Nexomania Loot Chests earned through progression or Heroes Brawls will not be replaced.

We’re also going to make this drop-rate adjustment for future events. Going forward, new event Loot Chests will have this same increased chance to contain new items from the current version of an event over existing items from past versions of that event.

Event Bundles and Skins

Events like Nexomania are jam-packed with lots of new Hero skins and other cosmetic items. While we have a blast creating and releasing skins, we’ve also read feedback from players who would like more options when it comes to adding them to their collections. With future events, we’re going to give players more opportunities to pick up specific skins outside of the event bundles they appear in:

  • Going forward, new Hero skins that are included in larger event bundles will also be available in separate Skin Packs.
    • Each pack will be purchasable using gems and will contain all currently available versions of that skin.

This change doesn’t mean big event bundles are down for the count. We still plan to add them to the game but wanted to give players more variety when it comes to picking up new event items.

As always, we’d like to thank everyone who has shared their thoughts with us on these topics. We hope you enjoy the rest of Nexomania and manage to conquer your quests in record time! Until next time, we’ll see you in the Nexus.

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